Target: ₹ 63,57,960 ($ 79474.5)
Raised: ₹ 0 ($ 0)
No. of Donors : 0
Completion Date: 31st December 2026
The project proposes an AI-empowered, IoT-enabled wearable system for 24x7 monitoring and management of Cardio-pulmonary Disease and Sleep Disorders. Led by Dr. Amit Acharyya, Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at IIT Hyderabad, the initiative aims to address the high prevalence and mortality rates of these health issues globally.
The project aims to develop an innovative AI-empowered, IoT-enabled wearable system for continuous monitoring and management of Cardio-pulmonary Disease (CPD) and Sleep Disorders. Led by Dr. Amit Acharyya, Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at IIT Hyderabad, the objectives include the creation of a lead-less and patch-less wearable band utilizing Photoplethysmogram (PPG) signals. The goals encompass the derivation of benchmark features for CPD and Sleep Disorders, development of a remote health monitoring device for early disease identification, and simultaneous monitoring of essential parameters like heart rate, respiration rate, blood pressure, and blood glucose using an AI-based framework. The project aims to enhance patient comfort and support long-term, ambulatory monitoring, ultimately contributing to proactive healthcare management.
Timeline & Budget:
Year 1: Equipment procurement and initial development - Rs 2074320.00
Year 2: Continued development and field trial - Rs 2134320.00
Year 3: Completion of the project and further trials - Rs 2149320.00
Total Budget: Rs 7957960.00
Proposer Details:
Dr. Amit Acharyya, a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at IIT Hyderabad, leads the project. His extensive research over the last decade has elevated the technology readiness level (TRL) from 1 to 5. The proposed project is expected to advance the TRL to level 8, showcasing the potential impact of his contributions in healthcare technology