CSR Funding for CNC machine purchase for MAE department


Target: ₹ 34,00,000 ($ 42500)

Raised: ₹ 34,00,000 ($ 42500)

This appeal is fully funded. Our thanks to all the donor / donors.

No. of Donors : 1

Completion Date: 31st December 2021

CSR fund utilization report for CNC machine

Sai Deepa Rock Drills Pvt. Ltd is a global leader in design and manufacturing of Rock Drilling Solutions. As part of Corporate Social Responsibility, they have donated Rs. 34 Lakhs to IIT Hyderabad for the purchase of a CNC milling machine from BFW, India. This equipment will be useful for research and fabrication needs at IIT Hyderabad as well as for training students.