Decellularized corneal matrix hydrogel-based injectable hydrogel – a candidate..


Target: ₹ 30,00,000 ($ 37500)

Raised: ₹ 0 ($ 0)

No. of Donors : 0

Completion Date: 31st December 2023


Objectives of the project: A toxicology study will be essential to prove the safety of hydrogel during human applications.

  1. Preparation and characterization of Cornea hydrogel from Bovine sources
  2. Extensive Toxicology study
    1. Cytotoxicity Test
    2. Skin sensitization test
    3. Ocular Irritation in Rabbit
    4. Acute systemic toxicity test
    5. Material Mediated Pyrogenicity
    6. Intraocular irritation in Rabbits - 3 days
    7. Intraocular irritation in Rabbits - 90 days
    8. Maximum dose ocular irritation and persistence in rabbits - 14 days
  3. Data collection and documentation for Regulatory approval for human trial

Timeline and Budget:
Year 1: 15 Lakhs
Year 2: 10 Lakhs
Year 3: 5 Lakhs

Proposer Name & Designation:
Dr. Falguni Pati, Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering