Nurturing Psychological Capital among Women in STEM Careers: Role of Coaching


Target: ₹ 8,95,000 ($ 11187.5)

Raised: ₹ 0 ($ 0)

No. of Donors : 0

Completion Date: 31st December 2026

Project Introduction:

Addressing gender gaps in STEM careers, the project explores barriers faced by women and investigates the impact of psychological interventions and coaching on career growth.



Understand career growth barriers among women in STEM.

Assess the role of psychological interventions and coaching in overcoming these barriers.


Timeline & Proposed Work:

Initial two-day workshop for 50 women in science and engineering.

Coaching sessions tailored to individual needs (4 to 7 sessions).

Follow-up workshop after 100 days.

Budget Details:

Total Budget : INR 8,95,000

Workshop: 1,50,000

Data Collection: 50,000

Coach Honorarium: 5,00,000

Research Assistant: 1,20,000

Final Workshop: 50,000

Miscellaneous: 25,000


Proposer Details:

Name: Dr. M. P. Ganesh

Designation: Associate Professor, Department of Liberal Arts, IIT Hyderabad