Training Programme for Rural Women Entrepreneurs


Target: ₹ 25,80,000 ($ 32250)

Raised: ₹ 1 ($ 0.01)

No. of Donors : 1

Completion Date: 31st December 2026


Drs. M P Ganesh and Nakul Parameswar propose a Training Programme for Rural Women Entrepreneurs at IIT Hyderabad. Addressing the gap in entrepreneurial and managerial skills, the project aims to empower rural women, foster growth in their enterprises, and enhance overall performance.


The project responds to the rising number of women entrepreneurs in rural areas, focusing on cottage industries and cooperatives. Aimed at imparting essential entrepreneurial and managerial skills, the training program includes a 5-day intensive classroom session, followed by a hands-on implementation phase, and concluded with an offline discussion. With a target cohort of 30 rural women entrepreneurs, the initiative integrates mentorship for personalized guidance and assistance. Aligning with SDGs 4, 8, and 10, it contributes to quality education, economic growth, and reduced inequalities by bridging the knowledge gap and supporting rural women in building successful ventures.

Timeline & Budget:

Duration: 4 months

Budget (INR): 25,80,000

Proposer Details:

Dr. M P Ganesh, Associate Professor & Head of the Department, Department of Entrepreneurship & Management, IIT Hyderabad. Dr. Nakul Parameswar, Assistant Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship & Management, IIT Hyderabad.