Target: ₹ 1,00,00,000 ($ 125000)
Raised: ₹ 0 ($ 0)
No. of Donors : 0
Completion Date: 30th June 2023
Intended for senior IIT Hyderabad (IITH) Professors to be rewarded for their exceptional performance and also for inviting stalwarts in various fields to spend time at IITH. Selected IITH/External faculty will be identified as "(Named) Chair Professor" for 3 years. Honorarium and contingency grant/travel support will be provided for these Chair Professors. Chairs will be endowed with an initial corpus of Rs. 100 Lakhs ($140,000) Chairs will be named by IITH in consultation with the Donor. Apart from this the donor may contribute Rs. 5 Lakhs towards the first-year award, as the endowment would take a year to yield the returns. The donor can specify the research area for the Chair. Chairs can also be established with a donation of Rs. 5 Lakhs per annum for a minimum guaranteed period of 10 years. All Endowments are subject to top-up as necessitated by economic conditions.
Selection Criteria:
- These Chairs are to be occupied by Professors who have distinguished themselves and have been recognized by their peers for their research and/or technology development, and who have excelled in teaching, research, and service to the Institute/nation/profession.
- The chosen Professors will have demonstrated leadership in one or more of these aspects. Chair Professors are appointed for a period of 3 years followed by a review and possible extension. Chair Professors receive an honorarium arising out of the endowed amount and contingency grant/travel support
- The Chairs are selected after a due internal process.
Naming the Chair by the donor:
- Donors can name the chair as per their wish.
- The endowment amount required for the naming of the Chair is Rs. 100 Lacs (USD 140,000) or with a donation of Rs. 5 Lakhs per annum for a minimum guaranteed period of 10 years.
- Donor shall ensure that the proposed name is enhancing the reputation of the institute and not in any way lowering the reputation/dignity of the Institute.
- The returns of the endowment are subject to varying yields over time. Hence IITH may reach out to the donor for a suitable top-up at a future date if the need arises.
- The Chair Professor will use this title in communications, research paper presentations, and publications.
- Periodic interactions with the chair professor can be possible based on mutual conveniences.
Benefits to the donor:
An opportunity to be associated with excellence in teaching and research.