
Research support to UG students


Target: ₹ 20,00,000 ($ 25000)

Raised: ₹ 54,080 ($ 676)

No. of Donors : 2

Completion Date: 30th June 2023


The very foundation of IIT Hyderabad (IITH) is based on research and innovation. The vibrant research culture is evident from the number of patents and publications that IITH has. To further promote this research culture among the UG students, IITH has come up with this Research Support for UG Students. A funding support of Rs. 1 Lakh to a UG student required for the research. This fund aims to identify students with bright research ideas and support them with contingency funding. The Research funding to UG students will be named after the Donor. The endowment needed to support one student is Rs. 20 Lakhs. Apart from this the donor may contribute Rs. 1 Lakh towards the first-year award, as the endowment would take a year to yield the returns.

The donor can name the support. The donor shall ensure that the proposed name is enhancing the reputation of the institute.

Selection Criteria:

IITH has an internal process to select a suitable candidate eligible for this benefit.

Benefits to the donor:

With an enhanced research activity, the donor will get an opportunity to be associated with IITH and get a global recognition.