
Support for Hybrid Classrooms - A step towards global outreach


Target: ₹ 2,94,00,000 ($ 367500)

Raised: ₹ 3,501 ($ 43.76)

No. of Donors : 2

Completion Date: 30th June 2023


IITH takes the lead in developing interdisciplinary and contemporary courses to suit the modern day needs of educating the next generation of students. 

Apart from the course content, teaching tools have also evolved, thanks to advanced technologies. Hybrid Classrooms provide an experiential learning environment for offline and online students. Such classrooms will enable students from outside IIT framework to benefit from the high quality teaching IIT H offers.

The goal is to open this course to all students outside of IITH from August 2023 and IITH would be the first institution in the country to open its doors for the benefit of students worldwide. The students outside IITH can learn, write exams, earn credits for such courses which can be used to improve their knowledge on any specific subject and probably transfer the credits earned to their college or university.

IITH believes that such transfer of knowledge would enable the youth of the country to get benefitted from high quality teaching and upgrade their employability. About 45 classrooms are planned to be converted to hybrid classrooms/smart classrooms. Out of which 17 classrooms has been already converted into Hybrid with the support of corporate CSR funding. Remaining 28 classrooms need to be converted into Hybrid with a total funding of Rs. 294 Lacs.

Features of Hybrid classroom:

  1. IIT Hyderabad is planning to have hybrid classrooms with a smart board, with a facility for the contents written while teaching that can be saved and shared with the students.
  2. A live-streamed video of in-person class activities that enables a two-way conversation, integrating remote and in-person students in a singular environment.
  3. On an average each class rooms will need Rs. 5.5 Lacs to be made as hybrid class rooms. Such facility would need periodic maintenance to be in top condition to meet the teaching objectives. An annual amount of Rs. 25,000/- would be needed for each of the class rooms for maintenance. This can be realized through an endowment value of Rs. 5 Lakhs @ 5% rate of returns. So total cost required for naming one hybrid class room - Rs. 10.5 Lakhs
  4. Each class room can be funded through contributions from alumni and well-wishers and the same can be named as per the donor wish.
  5. Donors can contribute for one or more class rooms. A group of donors can also contribute to the class rooms.

Inviting alumni and well-wishers to be a part of this digital transformation and enabling future ready students to serve the society. Please contribute generously to this initiative.

Benefit to the Donors:

US based alumni will be able to contribute and get 100 % tax benefits for their donations as IIT H foundation in the US is a US 501 ( c ) 3 charitable organisation. 

Also, IITH US foundation is registered with Benevity to receive matching donations from employers.

All contributions to IIT Hyderabad are eligible for 80 G tax benefits to the donors.